Push Fight®


not available

Push Fight® is a game that has attained a cult following among boardgame enthusiasts and has now been made available for mobile gamers!Push Fight® is a game of skill and surprise. Two players battle on agame board as the white team plays the brown team. The goal is for aplayer to push ONE of their opponent's game pieces off the board ateither end. You must play offense and defense during every turn, anddanger is always near. The game is fast-paced and can be over in justminutes. Sudden finishes are common!
Each team has 5 game pieces: 3 square (top) pieces and 2 round (top)pieces. All 5 pieces can move around the board by traveling on emptyspaces (an empty space is one that doesn't have a game piece on it).In addition to moving, the square pieces have the power to PUSH one ormore pieces one space. Once you push with a square piece that piecebecomes anchored to the board for the remainder of the turn and can’tbe pushed by your opponent.